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    Yintai Group
    Paradigm of China New Business
    China Yintai Holdings Co., Ltd. (“Yintai Group”), founded by Mr. Shen Guojun in 1997, is a conglomerate engaged in industrial development and investment with businesses in commercial retail, commercial real estate development and operation, and equity investment. It has numerous subsidiaries and holds equity stakes in many companies at home and abroad. It is now a diversified industrial and capital driven modern conglomerate with a number of core businesses.
    友情链接:凯发K8天生赢家一触即发  公海彩船  ayx爱游戏  j9九游国际站  俄罗斯专享会294平台  九州ku酷游  米乐  必发88  J9集团官网  pg电子模拟器  安鑫娱乐  888集团6008登录入口